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We’d like to share how you’re making a difference.
We’d like to share how you’re making a difference.
You will be helping CtoBEE to:
- Support the project with its knowledge base (Manual), freely accessible information on our website and results of our pilot projects.
- Establish first international hub in Seville, Spain.
- Conduct research and development for CtoBEE with international universities (Europe, America, Asia) and pilot companies.
- Doing our part to leave a better ecology for ourselves and future generations.
- Create innovative solutions to spread CtoBEE methodology, culture, philosophy & principles worldwide.
Together, we can transform current habits, establish the ‘Compass’ as an international brand, and build a future where we live in continuous harmony with nature and our needs.
Make a donation to Compass to Balanced Ecology today and help us strengthen our national and international goals.