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From idea to Business in 2 Milestones

Basically, each phase is based on a ‘roadmap’ (activities and goals) and an organizational scheme.

1. From Scratch to “Kick-off-Meeting” developed:

Financial Planning

Fig.: Business plan, extract Financial Planning.

In the first phase, the concept including a business plan (ROI within 3 – 4 years, see figure) was developed and named ‘Factor BEE’. A first web version was designed and published. It turned out that ‘Factor’ was understood as a fixed, defined number between 0 and 10. However, this was opposed by the objective to represent a continuous development. Therefore, in 2023 we replaced ‘Factor’ with ‘Compass‘: A compass continuously guides by indicating the relative direction to the target.

Market Research should identify comparable approaches. To date, no similarly comprehensive approaches have been found as offered by CtoBEE. The concept is presented to different experts, NGOs and investors to obtain professional and financial support and cooperation. This is currently in progress.

At the end of the 1st phase, the financing of the 2nd phase is in place. At the beginning of this phase, the legal entity will be founded and established. In this context, we are already interested in getting to know committed people who would like to contribute to this with enthusiasm and broad expertise.

2. From “Kick-off-Meeting” to Product COMPASS to BEE launched:

At the beginning of this crucial phase, the establishment and set up of the legal entity is foreseen.

Further steps are the elaboration of the ‘Manual’ with experts and universities. A detailed marketing concept as well as first pilot projects and certifications follow. At the end of the second phase, a feedback round is planned, in which the previous experiences will be compiled and evaluated in order to ensure a successful subsequent first expansion phase in Europe (s.Fig. above).